Government Sustainable Bond Programme

The Government Sustainable Bond Programme (GSBP), previously known as the Government Green Bond Programme1, is an initiative of the Government to promote the development of green and sustainable finance, especially the green and sustainable bond market, in Hong Kong. Proceeds raised under the GSBP are credited to the Capital Works Reserve Fund (CWRF) to provide funding for green and sustainable projects.

The GSBP intends to:

  • demonstrate the Government’s support for sustainable development and determination to combat climate change
  • set a benchmark for green and sustainable bond products in the market
  • provide a good example for other potential green and sustainable issuers
  • promote awareness of and Hong Kong's international profile in green and sustainable finance

HKMA assists the Government in implementing bond issuance under the GSBP.

For more information, please visit the Hong Kong Government Bonds website.

1 The Government Green Bond Programme has been renamed as the Government Sustainable Bond Programme with effect from 10 May 2024.

Last revision date : 27 June 2024