
The Library contains materials for a detailed study of Hong Kong's monetary, banking and financial affairs and of central banking topics elsewhere in the world. The main collections are:

  • HKMA publications;
  • Publications by central banks and international organisations;
  • Books and journals on monetary, banking, economics, finance and related subjects; and
  • Electronic register of authorized institutions (AIs) and local representative offices and the electronic register of securities staff of AIs, as required by section 20 of the Banking Ordinance.

The Library also incorporates the collection of the Hong Kong Institute for Monetary Research, which conducts scholarly research into monetary policy, banking and finance of strategic importance to Hong Kong and the Asian region. Books and other collections of the Library are not for lending. An online catalogue is available at the terminals inside the Library and on the HKMA website. Photocopying facilities are available at a small charge. 

Last revision date : 08 September 2023