Economic & Financial Data for Hong Kong

Date of last update: 25 Jul 2024

This page is updated on the day that the data are released.

The data shown in this page correspond to the data described on the International Monetary Fund's Dissemination Standards Bulletin Board (DSBB). For a fuller explanation of the DSBB and the statistical standards to which Hong Kong, China has committed, please click on DSBB Home Page.

Unless otherwise indicated, data are not seasonally adjusted.

SDDS Data Category and Component Unit Description Observations Change in Latest Data Over a Year Ago (%) Change in Previous Data Over a Year Ago (%) More Info
Date of Latest Data Latest Data Previous Data
National Accounts
* GDP (Real)1 HK$ million, in chained (2022) dollars Q1/24 728,625 762,957 2.7 4.3 More Statistics DSBB
** By Expenditure Component
*** Private consumption expenditure1 HK$ million, in chained (2022) dollars Q1/24 486,910 522,723 1.0 3.5 More Statistics DSBB
*** Government consumption expenditure1 HK$ million, in chained (2022) dollars Q1/24 103,673 94,171 -3.0 -5.2 More Statistics DSBB
*** Gross domestic fixed capital formation1 HK$ million, in chained (2022) dollars Q1/24 117,875 131,719 0.3 17.5 More Statistics DSBB
*** Changes in inventories1 HK$ million, in chained (2022) dollars Q1/24 -17,310 -8,721 - - More Statistics DSBB
*** Exports of goods1 HK$ million, in chained (2022) dollars Q1/24 1,068,309 1,172,275 6.8 2.8 More Statistics DSBB
*** Exports of services1 HK$ million, in chained (2022) dollars Q1/24 209,553 202,940 8.4 21.2 More Statistics DSBB
*** Imports of goods1 HK$ million, in chained (2022) dollars Q1/24 1,067,499 1,182,743 3.3 3.8 More Statistics DSBB
*** Imports of services1 HK$ million, in chained (2022) dollars Q1/24 172,886 169,407 17.2 26.7 More Statistics DSBB
** By Economic Activity
*** Agriculture, fishing, mining and quarrying HK$ million, in chained (2022) dollars Q1/24 351 323 -9.0 -8.0 More Statistics DSBB
*** Manufacturing HK$ million, in chained (2022) dollars Q1/24 6,410 6,967 1.8 4.1 More Statistics DSBB
*** Electricity, gas and water supply, and waste management HK$ million, in chained (2022) dollars Q1/24 7,488 7,485 4.5 3.6 More Statistics DSBB
*** Construction HK$ million, in chained (2022) dollars Q1/24 33,499 31,279 9.6 3.8 More Statistics DSBB
*** Services HK$ million, in chained (2022) dollars Q1/24 658,508 710,252 3.1 5.3 More Statistics DSBB
**** Import/export, wholesale and retail trades HK$ million, in chained (2022) dollars Q1/24 115,442 140,604 1.1 6.5 More Statistics DSBB
**** Accommodation and food services HK$ million, in chained (2022) dollars Q1/24 14,051 15,767 1.0 14.6 More Statistics DSBB
**** Transportation, storage, postal and courier services HK$ million, in chained (2022) dollars Q1/24 77,512 75,013 19.5 31.8 More Statistics DSBB
****Information and communications HK$ million, in chained (2022) dollars Q1/24 25,732 26,752 2.0 2.1 More Statistics DSBB
**** Financing  and insurance HK$ million, in chained (2022) dollars Q1/24 143,874 160,186 -0.8 -1.4 More Statistics DSBB
**** Real estate, professional and business services HK$ million, in chained (2022) dollars Q1/24 62,586 63,149 1.0 2.7 More Statistics DSBB
**** Public administration, social and personal services HK$ million, in chained (2022) dollars Q1/24 146,914 154,819 3.1 3.6 More Statistics DSBB
**** Ownership of premises HK$ million, in chained (2022) dollars Q1/24 72,396 73,964 1.7 1.4 More Statistics DSBB
*** Taxes on products HK$ million, in chained (2022) dollars Q1/24 25,760 20,445 -9.7 -25.6 More Statistics DSBB
* GDP (Nominal) HK$ million, at current market prices Q1/24 769,724 792,936 7.1 8.3 More Statistics DSBB
** By Expenditure Component
*** Private consumption expenditure HK$ million, at current market prices Q1/24 521,999 552,915 4.8 8.9 More Statistics DSBB
*** Government consumption expenditure HK$ million, at current market prices Q1/24 106,947 96,988 -1.1 -3.1 More Statistics DSBB
*** Gross domestic fixed capital formation HK$ million, at current market prices Q1/24 114,055 133,832 0.6 17.0 More Statistics DSBB
*** Changes in inventories HK$ million, at current market prices Q1/24 -17,447 -10,871 - - More Statistics DSBB
*** Exports of goods HK$ million, at current market prices Q1/24 1,141,982 1,245,942 11.7 8.0 More Statistics DSBB
*** Exports of services HK$ million, at current market prices Q1/24 227,229 202,162 18.8 21.9 More Statistics DSBB
*** Imports of goods HK$ million, at current market prices Q1/24 1,148,666 1,253,628 8.3 9.0 More Statistics DSBB
*** Imports of services HK$ million, at current market prices Q1/24 176,375 174,404 21.8 25.9 More Statistics DSBB
Production Index (All Manufacturing Industries)2 Index, 2015=100 Q1/24 97.6 106.0 1.8 4.1 More Statistics DSBB
Forward-looking Indicator
Business Expectations3 - Q3/24 - - - - More Statistics DSBB
Retail Sales Volume Index Index, Oct19-Sep20=100 May/24 100.4 97.1 -12.9 -16.5 More Statistics DSBB
Labour Market
* Employment Employed persons (thousand) (3-month moving average) Apr/24-Jun/24 3,703.3 3,696.9 0.4 0.6 More Statistics DSBB
* Unemployment rate (Seasonally adjusted) Percentage of labour force (3-month moving average) Apr/24-Jun/24 3.0 3.0 - - More Statistics DSBB
* Wages/earnings (Nominal index of payroll per person engaged) Index, Q1/99=100 Q1/24 190.6 178.5 3.7 3.6 More Statistics DSBB
Price Indices
* Composite consumer price index Index, Oct19-Sep20=100 Jun/24 106.7 106.2 1.5 1.2 More Statistics DSBB
* Producer price index (All manufacturing industries)2 Index, 2015=100 Q1/24 116.6 113.8 1.2 2.7 More Statistics DSBB
General Government Operations (Budgetary Accounts [Monthly])
* Revenue HK$ million May/24 16,588.9 34,273.5 -4.7 -1.6 More Statistics DSBB
* Expenditure HK$ million May/24 66,458.9 61,934.9 21.8 -11.0 More Statistics DSBB
* Surplus/deficit (+/-) HK$ million May/24 -49,870.0 -27,661.4 - - More Statistics DSBB
* Financing HK$ million May/24 49,870.0 27,661.4 - - More Statistics DSBB
** Domestic - Banking sector 4 HK$ million May/24 49,067.6 25,949.6 - - More Statistics DSBB
** Domestic - Non-banking sector HK$ million May/24 802.4 1,711.8 - - More Statistics DSBB
** External HK$ million May/24 0 0 - - More Statistics DSBB
Government Debt
* Government debt 5 HK$ million May/24 184,707.0 192,298.0 52.3 56.8 More Statistics DSBB
* Debt guaranteed by government 6 HK$ million May/24 143,723.0 144,518.0 -1.4 -0.3 More Statistics DSBB
Analytical Accounts of the Banking Sector (Monetary Statistics)
* Monetary aggregates (HK$ M3) HK$ million May/24 8,336,756 8,307,180 1.5 0.5 More Statistics DSBB
* Gross domestic credit to the Hong Kong SAR Government 7 HK$ million May/24 0 0 - - More Statistics DSBB
* Gross domestic credit to private sector 8 HK$ million May/24 7,469,641 7,490,843 -3.4 -3.4 More Statistics DSBB
* Net external position (Net external claims) 9 HK$ million Apr/24 4,703,146 4,243,332 28.3 18.2 More Statistics DSBB
Analytical Accounts of the Central Bank (Exchange Fund Balance Sheet)
* Monetary base HK$ million Jun/24 1,927,383 1,919,047 3.0 2.8 More Statistics DSBB
* Claims on the Hong Kong SAR Government HK$ million Jun/24 0 0 - - More Statistics DSBB
* Claims on the private sector in Hong Kong HK$ million Jun/24 296,268 294,195 -3.2 23.6 More Statistics DSBB
* Foreign assets HK$ million Jun/24 3,454,725 3,468,036 -0.5 -0.8 More Statistics DSBB
* Foreign liabilities HK$ million Jun/24 22,239 22,408 -0.5 -10.4 More Statistics DSBB
Interest Rate
* Base rate Percent per annum Jun/24 5.75 5.75 - - More Statistics DSBB
* Yield of exchange fund bills - 91-day Percent per annum Jun/24 4.40 4.32 - - More Statistics DSBB
* Government bond yield - 10-year Percent per annum Jun/24 3.539 3.826 - - More Statistics DSBB
Stock Market (Hang Seng Index) Index, 31 July 1964 = 100 Jun/24 17,719 18,080 -6.3 -0.8 More Statistics DSBB
Balance of Payments
* Imports of goods and services HK$ million Q1/24 1,325,041 1,428,032 9.9 10.8 More Statistics DSBB
* Exports of goods and services HK$ million Q1/24 1,369,211 1,448,104 12.8 9.8 More Statistics DSBB
* Net receipts from primary income HK$ million Q1/24 61,276 54,987 - - More Statistics DSBB
* Net receipts from secondary income HK$ million Q1/24 -4,488 -4,338 - - More Statistics DSBB
* International reserves (Change in reserve assets) 10 HK$ million Q1/24 -35,513 -9,113 - - More Statistics DSBB
* Financial transactions (Non-reserve) 10 HK$ million Q1/24 170,819 46,540 - - More Statistics DSBB
International Reserves
* Foreign currency reserve assets US$ billion Jun/24 416.3 417.2 -0.2 -0.9 More Statistics DSBB
* Data template on international reserves/foreign currency liquidity US$ billion May/24 417.2 416.4 -0.9 -2.6 More Statistics DSBB
Merchandise Trade
* Total exports of goods (f.o.b.) HK$ billion Jun/24 373.5 375.9 10.7 14.8 More Statistics DSBB
* Total imports of goods (c.i.f.) HK$ billion Jun/24 429.2 388.1 9.0 9.6 More Statistics DSBB
International Investment Position
* Assets HK$ million Q1/24 49,051,121 48,301,734 1.6 1.9 More Statistics DSBB
** Direct investment HK$ million Q1/24 18,285,856 17,553,819 3.2 2.9 More Statistics DSBB
** Portfolio investment HK$ million Q1/24 14,690,798 14,334,210 0.4 0.3 More Statistics DSBB
*** Equity and investment fund shares HK$ million Q1/24 8,429,311 8,291,240 -8.1 -8.7 More Statistics DSBB
*** Debt securities HK$ million Q1/24 6,261,487 6,042,969 14.6 15.9 More Statistics DSBB
** Financial derivatives HK$ million Q1/24 1,027,956 1,065,145 -0.5 -12.5 More Statistics DSBB
** Other investment HK$ million Q1/24 11,731,978 12,025,598 2.1 4.3 More Statistics DSBB
** Reserve assets HK$ million Q1/24 3,314,533 3,322,963 -2.0 0.4 More Statistics DSBB
* Liabilities HK$ million Q1/24 34,990,222 34,362,319 2.1 2.3 More Statistics DSBB
** Direct investment HK$ million Q1/24 19,008,780 18,167,028 5.5 5.0 More Statistics DSBB
** Portfolio investment HK$ million Q1/24 3,604,695 3,753,729 -11.1 -4.5 More Statistics DSBB
*** Equity and investment fund shares HK$ million Q1/24 2,936,649 3,047,756 -15.1 -8.7 More Statistics DSBB
*** Debt securities HK$ million Q1/24 668,047 705,972 12.6 19.3 More Statistics DSBB
** Financial derivatives HK$ million Q1/24 982,564 1,107,617 -5.2 -9.7 More Statistics DSBB
** Other investment HK$ million Q1/24 11,394,182 11,333,945 2.1 1.9 More Statistics DSBB
* Net international investment position HK$ million Q1/24 14,060,899 13,939,415 0.5 0.9 More Statistics DSBB
External Debt
* Gross external debt HK$ million Q1/24 14,409,486 14,362,420 2.6 3.4 More Statistics DSBB
** General government HK$ million Q1/24 115,370 115,484 39.7 152.7 More Statistics DSBB
** Monetary authority HK$ million Q1/24 28,740 31,423 -1.6 2.7 More Statistics DSBB
** Banks HK$ million Q1/24 8,064,662 8,085,283 0.4 -1.1 More Statistics DSBB
** Other sectors HK$ million Q1/24 3,853,455 3,807,727 6.5 9.8 More Statistics DSBB
** Direct investment: intercompany lending HK$ million Q1/24 2,347,257 2,322,502 2.7 6.8 More Statistics DSBB
Exchange rate
* Spot rate HK$ per US$ (Positive sign represent appreciation of HK$) Jun/24 7.8100 7.8190 0.3 0.2 More Statistics DSBB
* Spot rate (Interbank rate) HK$ per US$ (Positive sign represent appreciation of HK$) Jun/24 7.8083 7.8159 0.3 0.2 More Statistics DSBB
* 3-month forward rate (Interbank rate) HK$ against USD (pip) Jun/24 -193 -191 - - More Statistics DSBB
* 6-month forward rate (Interbank rate) HK$ against USD (pip) Jun/24 -331 -353 - - More Statistics DSBB
POPULATION Number, half-yearly SA2/23 7,503,100 7,536,100 0.4 2.6 More Statistics DSBB
Labor force participation rate by gender
* Male Percentage of land-based non-institutional population (3-month moving average) Apr/24-Jun/24 62.8 62.7 - - More Statistics
* Female Percentage of land-based non-institutional population (3-month moving average) Apr/24-Jun/24 52.6 52.6 - - More Statistics
* Overall Percentage of land-based non-institutional population (3-month moving average) Apr/24-Jun/24 57.1 57.1 - - More Statistics


n.a. not available

n.y.a. not yet available

- not applicable


The first released figures are called "advance estimates". The advance estimates include the real growth of overall GDP and its major expenditure components. When more data become available, the advance estimates will be revised. The revised figures as well as the current price GDP will be released about two weeks later for the first, second and third reference quarters and on the Budget Day for the fourth quarter.


Hong Kong is taking the flexibility options for periodicity and timeliness. The indices are disseminated on a quarterly basis within three months of the end of the reference quarter.


Refer to views on expected changes in volume of business/output, number of persons engaged and prices for the coming quarter as compared with the current quarter.


Includes transactions with the Exchange Fund and resident banks.


These were the Green Bonds (equivalent to HK$184,707 million as at May 31, 2024) issued under the Government Green Bond Programme. They were denominated in US dollars (US$8,950 million with maturity from January 2026 to January 2053), euros (4,580 million euros with maturity from January 2025 to November 2041), Renminbi (RMB31,500 million with maturity from November 2024 to June 2033) and Hong Kong dollars (HK$42,000 million with maturity from May 2025 to October 2026). They do not include the outstanding bonds with nominal value of HK$236,855 million and alternative bonds with nominal value of US$1,000 million (equivalent to HK$7,818 million as at May 31, 2024) issued under the Government Bond Programme (with proceeds credited to the Bond Fund). Of these bonds under the Government Bond Programme (including Silver Bonds with nominal value of HK$124,355 million, which may be redeemed before maturity upon request from bond holders), bonds with nominal value of HK$68,882 million will mature within the period from June 2024 to May 2025 and the rest within the period from June 2025 to May 2042.


Includes guarantees provided under the SME Loan Guarantee Scheme launched in 2001, the Special Loan Guarantee Scheme launched in 2008, the SME Financing Guarantee Scheme launched in 2012, Loan Guarantee Scheme for Cross-boundary Passenger Transport Trade, Loan Guarantee Scheme for Battery Electric Taxis and Loan Guarantee Scheme for Travel Sector launched in 2023, and a commercial loan of the Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation.


Loan to the Hong Kong SAR government is at present zero.


Includes loans for trade finance and other loans for use in Hong Kong. Since December 2018, figures for loans for use in/outside Hong Kong have been restated to reflect authorized institutions’ reclassification of working capital loans.


Hong Kong is taking the extensive branch banking system flexibility to disseminate data on the external position with a timeliness of more than one month.


A new sign convention has been adopted for the entire series of the financial account since June 2023. From then on, an increase in financial non-reserve assets/reserve assets is indicated by a positive value while a decrease in financial non-reserve assets/reserve assets is indicated by a negative value.

Last revision date : 25 July 2024