The Currency Board Sub-Committee

The Currency Board Sub-Committee monitors and reports on the Currency Board arrangements that underpin Hong Kong's Linked Exchange Rate System. It is responsible, among other things, for ensuring that Currency Board operations are in accordance with established policy, recommending improvements to the Currency Board system, and ensuring a high degree of transparency in the operation of the system. Records of the Sub-Committee's meetings and the reports on Currency Board operations submitted to the Sub-Committee are published regularly.

  • Mr Eddie YUE, JP
    The Monetary Authority
  • Mr Arthur YUEN, JP
    Deputy Chief Executive
    Hong Kong Monetary Authority
  • Mr Howard LEE, JP
    Deputy Chief Executive
    Hong Kong Monetary Authority
  • Mr Darryl CHAN, JP
    Deputy Chief Executive
    Hong Kong Monetary Authority
    Chief Economist
    International Monetary Monitor Limited
  • Professor Lawrence J. LAU, GBS, JP
    Ralph and Claire Landau Professor of Economics
    The Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • Dr PENG Wensheng
    Chief Economist, Head of Research Department
    China International Capital Corporation Limited
    Dean of the CICC Global Institute (CGI)
  • Professor TANG Heiwai
    Director, Asia Global Institute
    Victor and William Fung Professor in Economics, HKU Business School
  • Professor Michael SONG Zheng
    Wei Lun Professor of Economics
    Chairman, Department of Economics
    The Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • Ms Luanne LIM
    The Hong Kong Association of Banks
  • Ms Sarah KWOK
    Head (Corporate Development)
    Hong Kong Monetary Authority
Terms of Reference
  1. To ensure that the operation of the Currency Board arrangements in Hong Kong is in accordance with the policies determined by the Financial Secretary in consultation with the Exchange Fund Advisory Committee (EFAC).
  2. To report to the Financial Secretary through EFAC on the operation of the Currency Board arrangements in Hong Kong.
  3. To recommend, where appropriate, to the Financial Secretary through EFAC, measures to enhance the robustness and effectiveness of the Currency Board arrangements in Hong Kong.
  4. To ensure a high degree of transparency in the operation of the Currency Board arrangements in Hong Kong through the publication of relevant information on the operation of such arrangements.
  5. To promote a better understanding of the Currency Board arrangements in Hong Kong.

Last revision date : 13 June 2024