The HKMA hosts seminars regularly to share its supervisory expectation and feedback as well as the latest regulatory developments on AML/CFT with AIs. The relevant speeches and presentation materials are covered below.
Document | Notice Date |
Anti-Money Laundering Seminar 2023 Seminar material 1: Regulatory Update - Amendments to AMLO and AML/CFT Guideline (PDF File, 1.1 MB) Seminar material 2: Feedback from Thematic Review of AI's Transaction Monitoring Systems (PDF File, 502.4 KB) Seminar material 3: Overview of Virtual Asset-Specific Requirements in the SFC’s AML/CFT Guidelines (see slide 3-19) Seminar material 4: Regulatory Regime for Dealers in Precious Metals and Stones (PDF File, 585.5 KB)
22 Nov 2023 |
Anti-Money Laundering Seminar 2022 Seminar material 1: Proliferation Financing: Risk Assessment and Mitigation (PDF File, 1.5 MB) Seminar material 2: Regulatory Update (PDF File, 1.9 MB) Seminar material 3: Source of Wealth Requirements (PDF File, 728.4 KB) Seminar material 4: Feedback on Suspicious Transaction Reports (PDF File, 1.1 MB)
15 Dec 2022 |
Anti-Money Laundering Webinar on Collaboration, Data and Technology Seminar material 1: Supervisory Feedback (PDF File, 458.6 KB) Seminar material 2: Financial Intelligence and Investigation Bureau and Financial Data Analytic Platform (PDF File, 1.1 MB) Seminar material 3: Fraud and Money Laundering Intelligence Taskforce (PDF File, 3.7 MB) Seminar material 4: Industry Regtech Adoption (PDF File, 1.7 MB) Seminar material 5: Network Analysis Tool for Combating Financial Crime (PDF File, 778.6 KB) Seminar material 6: Use of Digital Footprints in Identifying Potential Mule Network (PDF File, 390.5 KB) Seminar material 7: Financial Crime Information Sharing (PDF File, 1.2 MB)
16 Sep 2021 |
Seminar on Thematic Review of AIs' Application of AML/CFT Controls in the SME Segment
17 Jul 2019 |
Seminar on Hong Kong Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Risk Assessment Report (Seminar material)
02 May 2018 |
Anti-Money Laundering Seminars 2012 Seminar material 1: Common Deficiencies in Transaction Monitoring & Suspicious Transaction Reporting (PDF File, 520.7 KB) Seminar material 2: Suspicious Transaction Report Trends and Quality Improvement (PDF File, 1.0 MB) Seminar material 3: Politically Exposed Persons - Risks and Case Studies (PDF File, 1,007.3 KB) Seminar material 4: Measures for Politically Exposed Persons (PDF File, 290.6 KB)
17 Aug 2012 |
Anti-Money Laundering Seminar 2011 Seminar material 1: Common AML Deficiencies Identified during On-Site Examinations (PDF File, 5.0 MB) Seminar material 2: Joint Financial Intelligence Unit (PDF File, 5.8 MB)
19 Oct 2011 |
Anti-Money Laundering Seminar 2010 Seminar material 1: FATF Updates, Common AML Exam Deficiencies & AML Supplement Amendments (PDF File, 565.3 KB) Seminar material 2: Suspicious Transaction Reporting (PDF File, 3.5 MB)
20 Aug 2010 |
Anti-Money Laundering Seminar
23 Mar 2009 |
Anti-Money Laundering Seminar
16 Dec 2008 |