
We proactively collaborate with like-minded investors, regulators and international organisations to promote good practices for managing investments for the long term.

Our Collaborations with International Organisations
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  • Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI)

    As one of the earliest central bank signatories of the PRI, we participate in joint signatories’ efforts co-ordinated by the PRI to develop the standard RI due diligence questionnaire (DDQ) for private equities and venture capital investments, helping private market investors conduct ESG assessment of general partners (GPs) and prospective investments.

    PRI, 2022. Responsible Investment DDQ for Venture Capital Limited Partners
    PRI, 2021. Responsible Investment DDQ for Venture Capital Limited Partners
  • Focusing Capital on the Long Term (FCLTGlobal)

    We serve as members of numerous working groups supporting the FCLTGlobal’s research work that aims to identify market leading practices for long-term investment mandates, decarbonising of private equity assets, and its application to long-term investors.

    FCLTGlobal, 2023. Grey to Green: The Opportunity for Private Equity to Decarbonize Assets FCLTGlobal, 2021. Responsible Ripples of Responsibility: How Long-term Investors Navigate Uncertainty with Purpose
  • Network of Central Banks and Supervisors for Greening the Financial System (NGFS)

    Demonstrating its commitment to good ESG practices as a member of the NGFS, we contributed to the NGFS’ Guide on climate-related disclosure for central banks. We are also leading a sub-working group under the NGFS’ workstream of “Net Zero for Central Bank” tasked to formulate sustainable and responsible investment approach for the central banking community.

    NGFS, 2021. Guide on climate-related disclosure on central banks
  • Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)

    As a supporter of the TCFD, we have aligned the climate-related disclosure for the Exchange Fund with the TCFD recommendations. Refer to Sustainability Report for details.

Our Engagement with Like-minded Investors and Counterparts

ESG workshop

We host annual ESG workshops to share ESG practices and market developments. In 2023, we successfully hosted our fifth annual ESG Workshop with nine participating private market institutions, including general partners and limited partners, to drive market discussions on incorporation of sustainability considerations in real asset investments.

Engagement with market counterparts

We have urged our public market counterparties, primarily investment banks, to expand their ESG manpower and research capabilities, especially in Hong Kong.

We continued to participate in various industry forums and speaking engagements to share insights on RI and climate change strategies.

Last revision date : 08 May 2024