A類 - 評論者不反對公開其姓名/名稱和意見的內容。
B類 - 評論者要求在不披露其姓名/名稱的基礎下,公開其意見的內容。
日期 |
姓名╱名稱 |
1 |
Alternative Investment Management Association |
2 |
Citibank |
3 |
CLP Holdings Limited |
4 |
CompliancePlus Consulting Limited |
5 |
Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation |
6 |
DTC Association, The |
7 |
Global Foreign Exchange Division (of the Global Financial Markets Association) |
8 |
GreySpark Partners Pty Ltd |
9 |
Hang Seng Bank Limited |
10 |
Hong Kong Association of Banks, The |
11 |
Hong Kong Investment Funds Association |
12 |
Hong Kong Trustees’ Association |
13 |
HSBC Private Bank |
14 |
ICI Global |
15 |
International Swaps and Derivatives Association, Inc. |
16 |
Law Society of Hong Kong, The |
17 |
LCH.Clearnet Limited |
18 |
Managed Funds Association |
19 |
OTC Clearing Hong Kong Limited |
20 |
State Street Corporation |
日期 |
姓名╱名稱 |
1 |
2 |