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Opening Aggregate Balance (開市總結餘) | 66,795 mn 百萬 |
Closing Aggregate Balance (收市總結餘) | 84,713 mn 百萬 |
Change Attributable to (變動原因) | |
+12,997 mn 百萬 |
+4,921 mn 百萬 |
Discount Window Reversal (退還貼現窗拆出資金) |
-0 mn 百萬 |
Discount Window Today (今日貼現窗運作) |
+0 mn 百萬 |
The figures may not add up due to rounding.
* This includes spot FX transactions and other market activities.
# This refers to the increase in the Aggregate Balance due to interest payments on Exchange Fund paper. The earliest opportunity will be taken to issue new Exchange Fund paper to absorb such increase in the Aggregate Balance.
Time (時間) | Intraday movements of Aggregate Balance (總結餘的日內變動) |
09:30 | 115,833 mn 百萬 |
10:00 | 118,962 mn 百萬 |
11:00 | 154,423 mn 百萬 |
12:00 | 150,107 mn 百萬 |
15:00 | 168,317 mn 百萬 |
16:00 | 168,784 mn 百萬 |
Date and Time (日期和時間) : 18:30, 29/04/2020
Forex Transactions^ (外匯交易) |
Other Market Activities (其他市場運作) |
Reversal of Discount Window (退還貼現窗拆出資金) |
Interest Payment/ Issuance of EFBN* (外匯基金票據及債券所付利息或發行量*) |
Forecast Aggregate Balance after Discount Window Reversal (退還貼現窗拆出資金後的總結餘預測) |
04/05/2020 | +0 mn 百萬 |
+0 mn 百萬 |
-0 mn 百萬 |
+0 mn 百萬 |
84,713 mn 百萬 |
05/05/2020 | +0 mn 百萬 |
+0 mn 百萬 |
-0 mn 百萬 |
+0 mn 百萬 |
84,713 mn 百萬 |
06/05/2020 | +0 mn 百萬 |
+0 mn 百萬 |
-0 mn 百萬 |
+5,001 mn 百萬 |
89,714 mn 百萬 |
After 06/05/2020 (06/05/2020之後) |
+0 mn 百萬 |
+0 mn 百萬 |
-0 mn 百萬 |
+4,940 mn 百萬 |
94,653 mn 百萬 |
The figures may not add up due to rounding.
This page is regularly updated at about 7:00pm on each business day of Hong Kong. In addition, if the Convertibility Undertaking under the Linked Exchange Rate System is triggered outside Hong Kong trading hours, the relevant statistics on this page will be updated at about 10:00am on the next business day of Hong Kong. Such statistics will still be disclosed on a real time basis through Reuters and Bloomberg on the trade day.
^ Details of each forex transaction conducted under the Currency Board since 2018 can be found here. Please note that Table 7.1.2 of the Monthly Statistical Bulletin also provides forex transaction statistics (daily aggregate figures by settlement date) since 1998.
可在此查閱自2018年以來貨幣發行局下的每宗外匯交易詳情。《金融數據月報》的表格 7.1.2亦提供自1998年以來的外匯交易數據(按結算日顯示每日整體數字)。
* This includes reduced issuance of HK$ 5,000 million 91-day EFBs on 29 April, 6 May and 13 May (issue numebr: Q2018, Q2019, Q2020). Details can be found in the press release dated 9 April 2020.
* 這包括於4月29日, 5月6日, 5月13日分別減少發行50億港元91日期票據(發行號碼:Q2018, Q2019, Q2020)。詳情請參閱4月9日公布的新聞稿。
Aggregate balance includes settlement account balances in the CHATS and FPS.
Date and Time (日期和時間) : 18:30, 29/04/2020
After Discount Window (進行貼現窗活動後) |
Before Discount Window (進行貼現窗活動前) |
Certificates of Indebtedness (負債證明書) |
534,335 mn 百萬 |
534,335 mn 百萬 |
Government Notes/Coins in Circulation (政府發行的流通紙幣及硬幣) |
13,179 mn 百萬 |
13,179 mn 百萬 |
Closing Aggregate Balance* (收市總結餘*) |
84,713 mn 百萬 |
84,713 mn 百萬 |
Outstanding Exchange Fund Bills and Notes+ (未償還外匯基金票據及債券+) |
1,077,649 mn 百萬 |
1,077,649 mn 百萬 |
950,964 mn 百萬 |
950,964 mn 百萬 |
Total (總額) | 1,709,876 mn 百萬 |
Please refer to the Reference Manual of Exchange Fund Bills and Notes Indicative Pricings for the disclaimer and other related information.
The above figures represent the snapshots of the outstanding amount borrowed under the various facilities as at 9:00 a.m., 11:00 a.m., 2:00 p.m and 4:00 p.m. respectively.
* This represents the dedicated repo facility for Primary Liquidity Providers (PLP), which includes both intraday and overnight repo.
* 此乃一級流動性提供行的回購協議安排,包括日間和隔夜回購協議。