
Title Issue Date Close Date
The HKMA issued a letter on 23 Jul 2024 to consult the banking industry on proposed revisions to the SPM module CA-B-3 “Countercyclical Capital Buffer (CCyB)– Geographic Allocation of Private Sector Credit Exposures” and Return MA(BS)25 “Quarterly Reporting on the Countercyclical Capital Buffer (CCyB)”.

Enclosure 1 Draft revised SPM module CA-B-3 (PDF File, 362.8 KB)
Enclosure 2 Return MA(BS)25 reporting template (PDF File, 84.7 KB)
Enclosure 3 Completion Instructions (PDF File, 438.7 KB)

23 Jul 202403 Sep 2024
The HKMA issued a letter on 19 Jun 2024 to consult the banking industry on proposed revisions to the SPM module CR-G-7 “Collateral and Guarantees”.

Enclosure (PDF File, 352.9 KB)

19 Jun 202431 Jul 2024
Last revision date : 24 July 2024