US Dollar Liquidity Facility Tender Notice

Press Releases

25 Jan 2021

US Dollar Liquidity Facility Tender Notice

Tender date


27 January 2021 (Wednesday)

Tender submission time


9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon

Settlement date


28 January 2021 (Thursday)

Repayment date


4 February 2021 (Thursday)



7 Days

Amount on offer


US$10,000 Million



Hong Kong Monetary Authority
25 January 2021




Licensed Banks interested in participating in the tender for the first time are encouraged to provide US dollar settlement instructions by email ( to the HKMA's Settlement Team in advance, preferably two days prior to the tender.  Required information includes name of corresponding bank, name of final beneficiary (must be the Licensed Bank participating in the tender), and account or CHIPS number of a US dollar bank account to be settled in the US.  Such information needs to be provided once only, unless there is further change.

Latest Press Releases
Last revision date : 25 January 2021