Supplement to the Guideline on Prevention of Money Laundering

Our Ref:

1 December 2006

The Chief Executive
All authorized institutions

Supplement to the Guideline on Prevention of Money Laundering

Further to my letter of 22 November, I am writing to inform you that the Monetary Authority is issuing the revised version of the Supplement to the Guideline on Prevention of Money Laundering ("Supplement") and its accompanying Interpretative Notes ("INs"), which will take effect on 2 January 2007, by notice in the Gazette today under section 7(3) of the Banking Ordinance.

On-line access to the revised Supplement and INs is available under the icon of "Circulars and Guidelines" in the HKMA's public ( and private ( web-sites.

Yours faithfully,

Simon Topping
Executive Director (Banking Policy)

The Chairman, Hong Kong Association of Banks
The Chairman, The DTC Association
FSTB (Attn: Ms Angelina Kwan)

Last revision date : 01 August 2011