List of names for suspicious account reporting – US Executive Order


13 Nov 2003

List of names for suspicious account reporting – US Executive Order

Our Ref:

13 November 2003

The Chief Executive
All Authorized Institutions

Dear Sir / Madam,

List of names for suspicious account reporting - US Executive Order

Further to my letter of 24 October, I am writing to inform you that the US Government has recently added three new lists of names under the US Executive Order 13224. The information can be found in the website of the Office of Foreign Assets Control of the US Treasury ( under the respective headings of "Names of those listed on 24 October 2003", "Name of entity designated on 31 October 2003" and "Name of individuals designated on 10 November 2003". Please review your records and report any transactions or relationships you have or have had with the named individuals or entities to the Joint Financial Intelligence Unit and the HKMA. You are also reminded to browse the above website regularly for the latest information.

Yours faithfully,

William A. Ryback
Deputy Chief Executive

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